Haku löysi 26 tulosta

Kirjoittaja Ron1
22.03.2024 03:21
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 3887576

Re: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821

So much great information to research! Yes, the constantly changing last name is extremely difficult to follow, as people sometimes don't change their name, or only go by their first two names, or sometimes have names that have nothing to do with the farm/croft where they move to. Challenging. I did...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
15.03.2024 18:46
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 3887576

Re: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821

Found him - it's a farm called Kapellans bohl and he stays there until 1847 https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_eng/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=27474&pnum=201 When he leaves for someplace called Prestgärden (I think) Interestingly Johanna was at Kapellans bohl as well but earlier in 1840-41 and she ...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
15.03.2024 17:34
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 3887576

Re: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821

I'm trying to fill in the what happened the years 1845 to 1849 for Wilhelm Mosisson to see if I can find out how he did meet Johanna, now that I know he didn't work on her "farm". In 1840 he can be found on the Pelli farm as a Drengen: https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_eng/jasenille/paikat.php?...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
14.03.2024 20:27
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 3887576

Re: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821

This is such amazing information and fills in many of the pieces. I had assumed Johanna had married Juho Stenberg because he had a farm, thanks for clearing this up. He did have a piece of land given to him by his first wife's father -- a Mikola -- but this must not have been his to keep after her d...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
25.02.2024 22:10
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 3887576

Re: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821

This is amazing -- I had only found a few of these records and tried to piece it together. So Johanna moves Nov 9 1836 from the Soupas Farm to Säkylä to the Lampala Farm (I still can't figure out how a 15 year old decides to move so far away from Eura, did the Church relocate service people?) and mo...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
24.02.2024 18:00
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 3887576

Re: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821

Interesting -- they have Johan Erland marked as being born in Eura, so on the ill-fated trip to Eura she was very pregnant, denied entry, but while there gave birth. Sadly he only lives a short time after returning to Säkylä. Things just go from bad to worse for Johanna.
Kirjoittaja Ron1
24.02.2024 17:12
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 3887576

Re: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821

Thank you -- I was looking for them in Eura. I didn't know you could be denied entry to another Parish. That's awful that they couldn't move back to her home area. So they return to the Jaakola farm in Vähä Säkylä as hired hands. According to this record, Johan Erland their son dies in 1861. Are the...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
23.02.2024 19:43
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 3887576

Johanna Vilhelmina Johansdtr Correll June 17 1821

I have been able to find out much information about my great-great-great grandmother but am interested to see if I can find out more information. Her parents die when she is very young, by age 11, and she becomes a service person and migrates from Eura to Säkylä at age 15 with an older woman (lines ...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
23.02.2024 19:11
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Henric Jöranssen Rehn
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 1469

Re: Henric Jöranssen Rehn

Yes, I understand about the clerical errors. My great grandmother was 11 years younger than her husband and the priests almost always recorded this as just one year, shifting the birth year. But I could always find a later record that would correct it to the proper date. It's almost as if up to a ce...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
23.02.2024 04:53
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Henric Jöranssen Rehn
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 1469

Re: Henric Jöranssen Rehn

Yes, that looks like the most promising lead so far. I'm not sure why the birth date gets scrambled. My Henric does meet his first wife at the Ehla farm, but by then his birth date has changed. I don't understand why someone would change their birth date, haven't come across this before. The dates a...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
22.02.2024 20:59
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Henric Jöranssen Rehn
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 1469

Re: Henric Jöranssen Rehn

I have found 4 out of the 5 children's records but not having any success to Henric's family. The Sparf family is noted in the 1883 baptism, but I can't read Swedish to find out if this is any help. Searching Hiski doesn't turn up any Henric Jöransson born in Säkylä in 1745. Here are the baptism rec...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
21.02.2024 21:28
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Henric Jöranssen Rehn
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 1469

Re: Henric Jöranssen Rehn

Actually now that I look at the list of maids/farmhands the second from the bottom is the woman he marries, Elin Henricsdotter 25 June 1757 who dies 26 May 1790 at the age of 32. So they met on the Ehla farm as workers.
Kirjoittaja Ron1
21.02.2024 21:21
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Henric Jöranssen Rehn
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 1469

Re: Henric Jöranssen Rehn

Interesting -- the birth dates are listed in such perfect chronological order I thought it was a family grouping of some sort. Usually when I see the maids and farmhands the dates are all random. Yes, my great-great grandmother was on her own at age 11 when her mother died -- her father died a few y...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
21.02.2024 18:20
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Henric Jöranssen Rehn
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 1469

Re: Henric Jöranssen Rehn

I had come across the record for Henric Jöranssen that you reference https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=27468&pnum=73 But I don't understand why the parents aren't listed with the children. They don't appear to belong to the family above them -- perhaps they were orphans...
Kirjoittaja Ron1
21.02.2024 02:31
Keskustelualue: Genealogy
Aihe: Henric Jöranssen Rehn
Vastaukset: 14
Luettu: 1469

Re: Henric Jöranssen Rehn

I should have included this with the first one it's where he lived in Kirri Dragon

https://www.myheritage.com/research/rec ... tion-books